The impact of Pride on our Children
Where will it end? What's the old saying? "It's a slippery slope"
Some of you may remember back in December I wrote about the nefarious network of adults who want to have sex with children and how far and wide the sickness spreads.
So now that we are well and truly into JUNE, which has been designated Pride Month for the LGBTQIA+ community, I wanted to again address my concerns for children from what I believe is a coordinated attack on their innocence.
I truly believe that the forced acceptance of LGBTQIA+, Pride, Rainbow activism is more than just raising awareness about perceived discrimination and bigotry, which are words aimed to target ANYONE daring to raise concerns for the welfare of children being saturated by all things rainbow.
Let’s start with the fact that June is not the only month where the LGBTQIA+ community is celebrated. There is International recognition in nearly every month of the year.
Click on the image and see for yourself
Children including their parents all around the world are being desensitised and lured into the normalisation of hypersexualisation, fetishism, bestiality, public nudity and more. See for yourself what’s accepted in public now.
And if you add major corporations like Coles, Bunnings, AFL, etc, plastering promotions about LGBTQIA+ events every time they happen. Is it any wonder that according to Minus18 up to 21% of Australian High School students identify as LGBTQIA+
LGBTQIA+ advocacy group Year13 wrote a piece about the uptick of young people identifying LGBTQIA+
So it's no surprise that even primary aged children are asking and being encouraged by adults to form clubs just for them.
And there is no shortage of individuals looking to teach kids all about the rainbow fetishes.
Including "Bestiality". Which I wrote about here
The main proponents pushing the LGBTQIA+ agenda (and yes, I believe the movement is a coordinated agenda) are fully aware how malleable children's brains are.
Brains even continue to mature past 18, as discussed here
According to the YouthSense article, COVID lock-downs have contributed to the uptick in confused children over the past 4 years.
As well as street parades sporting naked and near naked fetishist individuals, MSM, corporations, schools, government, etc, blasting out messages to children that they can be any gender they want. Social media is not to be left out.
Again from YouthSense
So is it any surprise that some TikTok personalities are lining up to influence young impressionable and developing minds.
Like this one. (Sourced here)
Here is another compilation which I’ve shared before.
Just itching for impressionable young children with malleable and developing brains to go "NO CONTACT"
Then there's this person providing inspiration for impressionable young children with malleable and developing brains to aspire to mutilate themselves just so they can have the pleasure of knowing what it feels like to kill an unborn child.
There is a whole community of these people speaking to kids. (Credit)
How's everyone feeling about that Rainbow story time now?
This from PHON MP Sarah Game about school holiday “Rainbow Storytime” featuring Fifi LaDouche, who apparently is one of Adelaide's iconic drag performers.
This image is from Fifi’s Face Book page. (edited with speech bubble)
But not to worry, Australia has a transgender expert member of a new UN panel that's drafting global health.
I suggest a review of “Kids should not be learning about bestiality at School.”
The normalisation of hypersexualised lifestyles thrust upon impressionable young children with malleable and developing brains is a pot of gold under the hijacked rainbow for Pedophiles as well.
People like Tom O'Carroll below would love more normalisation.
Full 60 Minutes presentation here.
And yes, as you can probably gather, I am drawing a link between the LGBTQIA+, Pride, Rainbow activism and those adults wanting to get an abundant supply of young people for their own narcissistic and selfish desires.
Some jurisdictions are making it easier:
Pride comes before the fall.
And nearly every month of the year is being celebrated.
Fully consenting adults can do as they please with each other.
Just leave the kids alone
And stop saturating every aspect of daily live with Rainbow agendas to target them.
Including museums, as I’ve shared previously.
Guardians South Australia asks
Why indeed?
I’ve written about the work of Guardians in the context of the attack on our children before.
And here
How did we get to a place where society at large has become so desensitised to the normalisation and acceptance of exposing our children to this?
There are many people around the world pushing back against the onslaught of LGBTQIA+, Pride, Rainbow activism on our children.
I for one will continue to do the same.
Where is the line in the sand for you?