The Guardians, and why their work is critical in our community.
The social conditioning of our children by the State and Global corporations is receiving push back by everyday concerned parents.
The rights of parents to raise their children the way they see fit, based on deeply entrenched values and belief systems is being challenged and vigorously debated globally.
Some of these hot topics include”
What the role of the State is in raising children, i.e. “private parenting” or “regulated parenting”.
What is taught at an academic curriculum level through primary School and Secondary School but also social constructs being pushed into the curriculum by activists and lobby groups, such as Gender affirmation.
A push by the State and lobby groups to encourage gender affirmation of children suffering gender dysphoria and in some cases encouraging puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and supporting life changing irreversible top and bottom surgery.
The sexualisation of Children by individuals and global corporations.
When the State can overrule a parent based on a belief that the State knows what’s best for the child, apparently validated by copious academic studies, likely funded by individuals with their own motives.
This is certainly not an exhaustive list, as children are being attacked from many angles.
For now though, I’d like to introduce you to a group of community members in South Australia, who were brought together after being challenged by some of those hot topics and how it impacted them as parents.
Further down I will go into a bit more detail why I am promoting their efforts and why I believe they’re work is critical for our community at this time.
I will also do a follow up article diving deeper into the deliberate sexualisation of our children.
Who are Guardians South Australia
I asked one of the founding members some questions to provide an overview of Guardians SA
What is Guardians SA all about? Why is there a need?
Guardians SA is about parental consent, community and leading by example.
When schools wanted to enforce mask wearing on our children all day, we connected to share information, create local groups and represent our children. We aim to empower parents to know their rights and advocate for their children.
Currently, we are focusing on gender affirmation in schools. It appears that antibullying programs are promoted in schools, however these programs do not consider alternate views. Children and families are having negative experiences because they have different beliefs (eg, there are only 2 sexes).
Dealing with schools can be quite confronting as we have viewed them as leaders in education, that they understand child development and have a duty of care to appropriately support children. However the past couple of years have really tested our values and how we view the education system. It appears our standards are declining and our children have more issues to deal with. We believe parenting should be done at home and education should be done at school.
There seems to be an overreach where schools are now at times parenting. This is especially clear with the Department for Education – Gender Diverse and Intersex Children and Young People Support Procedure which stipulates that toilets, change-rooms and dorms can be used be any sex a child identifies with. And that the school can decide what is in the best interests of the child.
By coming together as a group we are able to support one another, share concerns, offer solutions and represent our children.
Who is behind Guardians South Australia?
Guardians SA was co-founded by Rose Irranca and Luke Di Sessa.
Dedicated parents from our community assist with the admin of the FB group and we also have volunteer moderators.
What is the long-term goal for Guardians South Australia?
To continue to lead with love, offer tools and resources and collaborate with others in order to support parents in South Australia to lead by example and stand by our values. By supporting parents, we are supporting children.
We aim to be a key representative for parents. We achieve this by forming connections with community members and key stakeholders. The larger we become, the more support we have and the greater we can accomplish.
Where can people access Guardian SA content or contact the team?
Facebook -
Instagram - @guardianssa
X - @GuardiansSA
How can people get involved with Guardians SA?
Be active!
We have tools parents can use to represent their children -
Parents Letter to Principal – Template. Notify the school your child will not be participating in gender ideology
SOS – Share Our Stories. Children, parents and workers sharing their experiences with gender affirmation
Parent Forum – register your interest for this event to be held early 2024.
Petition – Download, sign, share and return the petition to classify sexually explicit books in our libraries
Flyer – Download, print and share the flyer in your local community to spread awareness about parental consent and gender affirmation in schools.
So why do I believe Guardians work is so important?
The below content is my personal commentary and not a representation of Guardians SA.
One of the topics Guardians is already covering is Gender Diversity in South Australian Schools (but we know this is a national issue) The aim is to promote discussion and to raise awareness for parents who may want to opt their children out of some of the curriculum, policies or procedures which they believe may impact their children.
Procedures such as Gender diverse and intersex children and young people support. The full procedure for the bellow images can be found here in PDF
So are these procedures taking into account children and parents who for various reasons have concerns about children being taught that there are more than 2 genders (there are only 2 genders), or parents of girls having boys compete in sports or share change rooms.
There has been a slow creep over the years possibly decades to put in place mechanisms which will bestow more and more power and control into the hands of the state for the raising of our children.
So could a child be removed from a parent for wrong think or challenging these procedures, policies or even legislation.
There are a myriad of academics writing myriads of papers and studies which policy makers use to form recommendations that make their way into organisational procedures, policies and governmental Bills.
Like this one for example suggesting the State institute something like a “Parent License”
Another objective of mine in this essay is to argue that parental licensing, out of the regulated parenting proposals that exist, is best suited to safeguarding the interests of children along one significant dimension. In particular, parental licensing, unlike public parenting support and parental monitoring, can insulate children from being raised by those who are objectionably intolerant, such as racists, sexists, and homophobes. (Click for Link)
This concerns me greatly, especially seeing that the terms “racists, sexists, and homophobes” are too easily thrown around in a world of “feelings matter more than facts”, where those often throwing labels of intolerance, are often the least tolerant of all.
A family wanting to understand why their child might feel attracted to the opposite sex or suffer gender dysphoria, and seek guidance from their GP or even mental health services to unpack the child’s feelings instead of taking them directly to Gender affirming Services, could be labeled “homophobic” What about a parent who simply challenges procedures, policies or legislation regarding gender diversity in school for example.
Children are easily captured by the Gender Affirming care model, because there is a well coordinated network of individuals and services ready to take advantage of the confused and still developing mind of a child, and even put in place mechanisms to push a child away from a concerned parent.
“If the newly-amended bill were to go into law parents who do not affirm this new standard of health and safety for their children may be found liable for child abuse and have their young one removed from their home.” (Link here)
And we know there is an army of activists ready to swoop on anyone challenging the narrative and agenda.
Surely, these individuals and experts who craft policies from studies would also know that children are still impressionable into their early 20’s.
However, the brain continues to develop into a person’s mid-20s when the frontal lobe fully develops.
As mentioned, the frontal lobe is involved in higher cognitive functioning such as motor planning, behavior, personality, impulsivity and executive functioning. This may be why individuals in their early 20s can sometimes still be a bit impulsive and don’t “think through” all their actions – their frontal lobes are still not fully formed! (Click for Link)
Naturally, I will have people say, but Mark, what about all those children who would commit suicide if their chosen “gender” wasn’t affirmed.
To date, this has been the go to comment by transgender activists, lobbyists, captured academics, policy makers, politicians and even global corporations who say children must be affirmed, be encouraged to have puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, or worse, irreversible life changing top and bottom surgery.
However, there are now countless detransitioners speaking out in the hope their stories can save a child from puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and horrific irreversible life changing top and bottom surgery.
One of these courageous people is Chloe Cole who’s story is also shared by Binary Australia along with others.
The Heretical Liberal, also put together a thread of others who have spoke up after a New York Times hit piece.
Kevin Lundberg, along with the Lee family, have spent the last year producing this first-hand account of their family’s experience with public school indoctrination and the transgender social contagion.
Here is a short clip from the 1 hour 20 minute Art Club documentary.
After millions of views, many would also be aware of Matt Walsh’s thought provoking documentary about the gender Ideology movement.
Billboard Chris is also spreading awareness about gender ideology, puberty blockers, and cross sex hormones across North America
PragerU has also put together a short documentary about the dangers of gender affirming care.
Here is a short clip from the 20 minute documentary.
What all this shows, is there needs to be much more open, transparent, uncensored discussions about what our children are going through and the apparent agenda behind embracing their vulnerabilities.
I believe Guardians SA will continue to play and important role in these and many more discussions about the future health and well being of our children.
So, if you are a concerned parent and feel compelled to learn more or get in involved, reach out to the Guardian Community via the methods above. You may even consider creating a Guardians Community in your area.
Thanks for reading
Keep an eye out for a my follow up article which will look at more sinister agenda’s involving our children.
I will not lock any content behind a paywall as I understand many are doing it tough and there are also many other quality Substack creators out there. However if you believe my content is worthy of supporting me financially than that would be great as well.
(I often think, what could I achieve with 40 more hours to push back against those seeking to control every aspect of lives if I was able to give up my current 9 to 5)
“Thy Will Be Done”