Kids should not be learning about bestiality at school
Email to the Premier of South Australia and Minister for Education raising concerns about what kids are learning at public schools.
(Image courtesy Family Voice Australia)
From: erich.neug <>
CC: Politicians, media, others.
Date: Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 6:42 PM
South Australian Premier, Peter Malinauskas
Minister for Education, Blair Boyer
Leader of the Opposition, David Spiers
Shadow Minister for Education, John Gardner
Peter and Blair,
I am writing to you both as I'm extremely disappointed at how far our State and society in general continues to slip into a Sodom and Gomorrah type system, with the latest outrageous example coming out of Renmark High School.
Year nine girls in a sexual education class learned about bestiality from a swearing guest speaker with no teacher present and no parental consent.
Kristy Wundenberg said her daughter, 14, found the session “confronting” and “aggressive” and it raised topics they had not yet discussed as a family.
“They weren’t ready for half that content,” Ms Wundenberg told The Advertiser.
“It was gut-wrenching to have the innocence of my 14-year-old taken away.”
Students were also reportedly exposed to “graphic” images of adults who had undergone so-called “sex-change” surgery.
Some of the students felt so uncomfortable that they asked to be excused to go to the toilet and did not go back to the “lesson”.
Renmark High School Principle, Mat Evans reported that he will conduct an internal review into this unacceptable situation, however I strongly encourage you to immediately review all the extra curricular programs being run in our State Schools, in particular Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) based programs, Sexual Education Programs particularly focused on LGB++ and Transgender Affirmation programs.
I have been following the slow creep of the indoctrination of our children through the schooling system, as have many parents, guardians and advocates who are ever increasingly concerned about the attack on their children's innocence.
I wrote about these concerned parents who formed a group called Guardians South Australia back in November 2023, here - The Guardians, and why their work is critical in our community.
As a result of growing concern regarding this attack on our children nationally, Guardians SA felt the need to expand to Guardians Australia to support parents and guardians nationally, which I wrote about, here - Australians who are concerned about gender ideology and childhood gender affirmation get a National Voice via Guardians Australia.
Peter, you know I've raised concerns about children to you previously, in particular around Gender Affirmation practices - NHS Puberty Blocker ban - Update to email sent to South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas
Just in case you haven't heard - Most gender-confused children grow out of it, landmark 15-year study concludes - as critics say it shows being trans is usually just a phase for kids
And it would be remiss of me not to address my concerns regarding where I believe the indoctrination of our children is leading. There is a concerted effort globally at attempting to desensitise our children, and society in general for that matter, to accept sexual perversion, whether by Pornography, social media platform indoctrination, attempts by adults to reduce the age of consent for children to engage in sexual acts, or indeed what is being taught in school to be accepted as normal and mainstream. I wrote about this confronting topic here - When adults want to have sex with children, where is the line in the sand for you?
Well Peter and Blair, where is the line in the sand for you about the sexual perversion being thrust upon South Australian Children? What will you do to turn this ship around?
David and John, what is the line in the sand for you? What is the Liberal Party going to do to challenge the Labor government to address the attack on our children's innocence?
The South Australian public is awaiting your response.
Mark Neugebauer
Concerned South Australian