When adults want to have sex with children, where is the line in the sand for you?
Are you really aware of the sinister underworld of child sexualisation and exploitation? You'll be shocked to learn where it stems from and how close to home it is.
Content Warning: This article discusses child sexual abuse and may contain descriptions of sensitive and distressing material. This article is intended for mature audiences it may not be suitable for all readers. Please assess your comfort level before reading further. Reader discretion is advised.
You may have seen one of my previous articles where I touch on gender identity and affirmation targeting children, including at our schools. And I raise awareness of a group of concerned parents (Guardians) who are pushing back and supporting parents to navigate ever changing procedures, policies and even legislation.
The below is a lengthy follow up article, as I wanted to comprehensively cover what I claim is nothing short of the deliberate attempt to desensitise and normalise the sexualisation of young children globally, including Australia.
I know it’s an extremely heavy topic, and I share the information for parents to discern and put in place the mechanisms and tools to protect your children from the predators who wish to manipulate, indoctrinate, use and abuse them.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3
Getting past the stigma of a very real and alarming topic.
You could be thinking, is this just more stories about satanic ritual abuse of children, stories of children under the Getty, elaborate child trafficking tunnel networks, Hollywood Elites sacrificing and drinking children’s blood which is said to be an elixir of life named Adrenochrome?
Well, no.
But let me be clear, I’m not saying there may not be an element of truth in any of those stories, you just need to sort through the enormous amount of content to separate the utterly ridiculous from the plausible, which unfortunately is an art in itself, and I certainly don’t claim to be an expert.
If you’re looking to do your own research on what I discuss in this article though, I’d suggest Brave browser or similar. Remember the United Nations (UN) believe they own the science on climate change and Google agrees. (see bellow)
No one owns the science on any topic, but Google controls what their owners want you to see, even information related to the disturbing topic I’m writing about in this article. The last three years of COVID have taught me never to close my mind on what I previously thought impossible, unrealistic or ridiculous.
The meme question is: “What’s the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and Conspiracy Fact? Apparently about 6 months!”
Child sexual abuse, child exploitation, child trafficking is happening! FACT!
And many organisations like Australia’s Destiny Rescue are working to combat the evil practice:
Due to the insidious nature of child sex trafficking, the true impact is extremely hard to quantify.
“Child victims of commercial exploitation are particularly difficult to detect. The true figure is likely far higher than the current estimates.”
– International Labour Organization report, 2017
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) run Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation has resources to help you understand the problem and work being done:
The ACCCE works in partnership with many organisations to commission and provide input into research efforts to help combat online child sexual exploitation.
To better understand the online child sexual exploitation space, the ACCCE commissioned market research into the current awareness, perceptions and attitudes of online child sexual exploitation in Australia. Released in early 2020, the research highlights that education and prevention plays a critical role to counter the ever-increasing number of child exploitation reports received each year.In the 2022-23 financial year, the ACCCE Child Protection Triage Unit received 40232 reports of child sexual exploitation. Each report contains images and videos of children being sexually assaulted or exploited for the sexual gratification of child sex offenders. The AFP charged a total of 186 offenders with 925 child exploitation related offences in the 2022-23 financial year. (Link here)
Tragically the abuse happens in places where parents least expect it, such as this horrific account of a child care center in Australia’s Gold Coast:
An AFP investigation has led to a former childcare worker being charged with 1623 child abuse offences against 91 children - including 136 counts of rape and 110 counts of sexual intercourse with a child under 10 - in Brisbane, Sydney and overseas between 2007 and 2022. (Link here)
These predators skillfully maneuver themselves into roles of trust where they’re meant to be responsible for caring and protecting the very people they end up abusing. Who can forget this story about a Families SA worker back in 2014.
An Adelaide man has been charged with "horrific" sex crimes against at least seven preschool children under his watch at a government-run residential care centre.
The 32-year-old man, who was employed by Families SA, has been charged with seven counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with young children.
Families SA deputy chief executive David Waterford said the accused man had undergone rigorous working with children assessment before being employed and had background checks every three years. (Link here)
While I’m talking about people getting themselves into a position where they’re surrounded by children:
Another man who was arrested, 40-year-old Paul Viel, of Davenport worked at the Cosmic Rays Restaurant at Disney World, according to investigators.
"He was a sadomasochist. There were photos where they tied up babies in prep for sexual battery. There was one, a weeks old child where the child's hands are tied behind her back?! Can you believe that?" Sheriff Judd described.
Veil faces a whopping 540 counts of child porn. That's 540 felony charges.
"Why do people like Paul Viel work at Disney? That’s where the children are," explained Judd. - (Link to article here)
How about former members of parliament? Here’s one from Australia:
Disgraced former MP and twice-convicted paedophile Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for twenty years for 'calculated, predatory, and manipulative' child sex offences.
The former NSW Labor member for Swansea and minister for Aboriginal affairs appeared in the NSW District Court on Friday to learn his fate for sexually abusing four boys between 10 and 15 years old.
Earlier this year, a jury determined he was guilty of 26 charges relating to the sexual abuse of the boys in the Lake Macquarie region, north of Sydney, between 1993 to 2003.
The court heard the 66-year-old used his powerful position in the community to groom his victims and ply them with drugs before abusing them. (Link here)
Here is a recent comprehensive story published by REDUXX Media about an FBI sting on an individual looking to meet up with a 9 year old boy. If you dare to read it, consider if the custodial sentence handed down is adequate for this predator.
He sent two undercover FBI agents extreme child abuse material, and expressed an interest in drugging and raping the 9-year-old child.
His phone was found to contain over 2,400 pieces of child abuse material, including some which featured infants and toddlers. (Link Here)
And just because I am a Christian doesn’t mean I’m going to stay silent about the failings of the church and it’s leadership. Even though many Institutions were found wanting, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was scathing of Religious Institutions.
We have examined a broad range of institutions – from schools to Scouts, from the YMCA to sporting and dance clubs, from Defence training establishments to a range of out-of-home care services. We have considered institutions managed by federal, state and territory governments as well as non-government organisations. It is clear that child sexual abuse has occurred in a broad range of institutional contexts across Australia, and over many decades. However, we heard more allegations of child sexual abuse in relation to institutions managed by religious organisations than any other management type. (Link here)
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. - Luke 17:2
It’s coordinated, well funded and global.
Sadly I could share a myriad of these stories, and if you think this is the extent of the attack on our children, and that these predators are simply just sick individuals with massive mental health issues acting alone, you would be wrong.
Many around the world would now be aware of a man by the name of Jeffrey Epstein who was very well connected to many of the global elite class. Epstein was arrested and sent to jail twice for sex with under age girls including at his island homes, but inconveniently died by suicide before standing trial the second time to spill the dirt on those who participated in his sick past time.
Epstein’s accomplice girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years jail, however her little black book of world leaders will remain a secret, unlike the flight logs. Some, like Senator Blackburn in the US are also working to get hold of the secretive passenger list.
Talking about lists, many Australian’s are probably aware of the list of 28 names mentioned by Bill Heffernan in his speech into the Wood Royal Commission.
Listen to that again from the 1m 45s to the 2m 50s timestamp, and there you have the the evidence that even the judiciary can be compromised.
Although Bill’s speech was covered by Malcolm Roberts, I often reflect on Bill’s demeanor during that speech, and why he felt so compelled to raise it in the manner he did if the names where supposedly only hand written on a piece of paper.
And this was the 60 Minutes episode Bill referred to, which for transparency was strongly criticised by ABC’s Media Watch. I wonder though, if individuals in the high echelons of the elite class are compromised, wouldn’t every attempt be made to discredit, ridicule and silence the whistleblowers? (Consider the last three years of COVID)
As we also know, its not just depraved individuals acting on their own fetishes, the abuse of children is also perpetrated by well coordinated global pedophile rings, even in Australia:
Dr Freda Briggs, Emeritus Professor in Child Development at the University of South Australia, said paedophile rings were happening in Australia and had been for years.
She’d interviewed victims who told of her of abuse that started when they were young children and didn’t stop until their mid-teens. “Many of the victims are young boys who [more so than girls] tend not to report it.”
Their abusers were “wealthy men across all walks of life” who you wouldn’t normally suspect were capable of such appalling behaviour. (Link here)
This story was back in 2007, yet the practice is still rampant:
The investigation involves agencies from 35 countries and lasted 10 months. Officials did not immediately provide a full breakdown of which countries were involved, but identified Canada, Australia and the United States as British officers' main partners in the investigation. (Link here)
And this one more recently in 2019:
Fifty children have been rescued and nine people arrested after an Interpol investigation into an international paedophile ring.
The arrests were made in Thailand, Australia and the US and more are expected, Interpol said.
The investigation began in 2017 and focused on a hidden "dark web" site with 63,000 users worldwide.
Police believe 100 more children have suffered abuse and are working to identify them. (Link Here)
As you can see Australia is full of sick predators looking to get access to children and child abuse material, here is another one:
Australian Federal Police have charged 44 men and removed 16 children from harm after investigators dismantled a national paedophile ring.
The alleged perpetrators - some who stand accused of producing their own child abuse material - are now facing a combined 350 charges after a law enforcement referral sparked a nationwide criminal investigation into child exploitation material.
In Victoria, 11 men were charged with 105 offences and six children removed from harm.
In NSW, eight men were charged with 49 offences and one child removed.
In Queensland, 11 men were charged with 114 crimes with two children removed from harm.
In South Australia, nine alleged offenders are now facing 67 charges with six children removed from harm and in Western Australia, two people were charged with seven offences.
Mr Kershaw said as a as a result of all AFP investigations, 134 children were removed from harm — 67 domestically and 67 internationally — between July 2019 and June 2020. (Link here)
Again, unfortunately this is only the tip of the ice berg regarding stories and the prevalence of the issue which goes back many years, if you have the stomach you can research away, but I think you get the point.
So, now that we’ve established that its not just the depraved individuals acting on their own fetishes, but that there also exists a much more nefarious coordinated network of those wanting to sexually and psychologically abuse children.
The societal push to normalise the Sexualisation of children!
From what can be observed the attack on our children is multi pronged, in the above we examined the individuals and coordinated groups exploiting children sexually and the the work of agencies to combat these heinous crimes.
The other prongs consist of normalising the sexualisation of children, not just to children, but to society as a whole.
The desensitisation of children and the community was recently covered by a content creator who ran an expose on Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum after visiting throughout 2023 and being confronted by what could be described as grooming for exposing kids to erotic content:
And what about content available to children via our local libraries - “Australian councils lend child porn comics to children” (Bernard Gaynor):
And consider the thousands of content creators like Jeffrey Marsh just waiting to get in the ear and mind of your confused child via online mediums:
An attempt to change children’s rights, sexual self-determination and lowering the age of consent, is covered in this thorough article by Genevieve Gluck in REDUXX titled - “German Parliament Accepts Constitutional “Children’s Rights” Petition From Pro-Pedophile Activist Group”
“Pedophilia must also be included in sexual identity. Pedophiles in particular must be fundamentally protected from discrimination in the Basic Law.
The activists have been demanding that the “pedophile [sexual] identity” be “protected from discrimination, criminalization, exclusion and persecution” under Germany’s equality laws.
“Legalizing clearly self-determined sexuality between older people and those under 14 is the best protection against actual sexual violence against children,” Gieseking wrote in another petition to the government, while calling for the abolition of Sections 176 [Sexual Abuse of Children] and 188 [Dissemination, Acquisition and Possession of Child Pornographic Content] of the legal code. Gieseking advocates for a distinction to be made between “sexual consent” and “sexual violence” when it comes to sexual acts between adults and children. As it is his belief that children can consent to sex with adults, he promotes the view that only the latter should be criminalized. (Link here)
Genevieve also mentions in the report:
As a reference, the petition as well as the German Bundestag both cite the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Which leads me into the next topic of this article.
Are unelected alphabet organisations leading the push to sexualise children?
The below short video was put together in May 2023 by a South Australian Grandfather who was outraged after having read a comprehensive report detailing the sexualisation of children by well known global corporations.
From the May 2023 Spectator article written by Senator Malcolm Roberts:
The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a ‘framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists’ titled, Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe.
Its purpose is to standardise (in other words override) the diverse teaching practices of each sovereign nation within Europe and the wider international community with regards to sexual education.
Having all-but forced European nations to comply, the United Nations is seeking to expand a similar framework to all UN member states – including Australia. (Link Here)
Here is a comprehensive report put together by the Epoch Times Premium Reports:
A trifecta of powerful globalist organizations is rigorously executing a plan to teach kindergarteners about sexuality and "empower" children to say yes to sexual encounters, according to agency documents reviewed by The Epoch Times.
Critics say this amounts to children being "groomed" for sex under the banner of human rights and education, while pedophilia is promoted and parental rights are undermined. Experts told The Epoch Times that the push for these programs to be accepted in nations around the world could lead to the practice of having sex with "consenting" children being viewed as acceptable. (Link Here)
However the information for the above came from the most extensive report by the team at Stop World Control "Schools must equip children to have sexual partners" - say the UN and WHO, from where this video is sourced (Link to full report here):
I know there is a lot to absorb and it’s extremely confronting, but I strongly encourage you to read the whole detailed report by Stop World Control, and then discern whether you are going to keep it to yourself or share it as widely as possible.
In what ever light you see me, I genuinely believe that there is a small number of ultra wealthy powerfully placed psychopathic megalomaniac elite class (aka the 1%) who are seeking to rule over the 99%.
But don’t just take my word for it, here is an article by Dr Robert Malone exposing the alphabet organisations even more:
I also believe that this 1% is responsible for funding the lobbyists and activist in organisations, academia, media, bureaucracies and politics who deliberately put in place messaging to desensitise society and to emotionally, psychologically and physically capture our children to make them believe that the State knows best, and in turn undermining the structure of the natural family as well as parental rights and decision making.
If you don’t believe Politicians who are voting on the Bills being passed in Austalia’s parliaments can be captured, you can hear it from one of the mouth pieces of the elite class, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF), discussing Young Global Leaders penetrating the Government.
You think Australia is immune?
What about the judiciary, remember Bill Heffernan in the video further up @ 1m 45s?
What now, where to from here?
Well that’s the end of this particular article, I know it was lengthy and very heavy, but my aim is to continue to raise awareness, share stories and highlight the ongoing attack on children by monsters who want to manipulate and use them for their own sick, demented and perverted pleasure.
For now, here are some common guidelines to help parents safeguard their children:
Open Communication:
Establish open and honest communication with your children. Encourage them to share their feelings, experiences, and concerns with you.
Create a safe environment where your children feel comfortable discussing any topic without fear of judgment.
Educate Your Children:
Teach your children about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Help them understand the concept of personal boundaries and the importance of saying "no" if they feel uncomfortable.
Educate them about online safety, including the potential dangers of sharing personal information and interacting with strangers on the internet.
Supervise Online Activities:
Monitor your children's online activities and social media accounts. Be aware of the platforms they use and who they are communicating with.
Set clear guidelines for internet use and establish rules about the types of information that should not be shared online.
Know Their Friends:
Get to know your children's friends and their parents. Be involved in their social circles and activities to stay aware of their connections.
Teach Healthy Relationships:
Educate your children about healthy relationships, mutual respect, and consent. Help them recognize signs of manipulative or controlling behavior.
Trust Your Instincts:
Trust your instincts as a parent. If something feels off, investigate and address your concerns. It's better to be proactive than to ignore potential warning signs.
Be Aware of Warning Signs:
Stay informed about the warning signs of grooming and predatory behavior. This includes excessive gift-giving, secrecy, inappropriate comments, or requests for inappropriate pictures.
Establish Safety Plans:
Have a safety plan in place, including emergency contact information and a designated safe person your child can reach out to if they feel uncomfortable or threatened.
Teach Personal Safety:
Teach your children basic personal safety measures, such as how to dial emergency services, their full name, address, and how to find help if needed.
Encourage Boundaries:
Teach your children to assert their boundaries and say "no" when they feel uncomfortable. Encourage them to speak up and seek help if they experience any form of abuse or harassment.
Stay Informed:
Stay informed about the latest trends in child safety and online risks. Regularly update your knowledge and discuss new concerns with your children.
Remember that fostering a strong, trusting relationship with your children is essential. Keep the lines of communication open, be supportive, and stay vigilant to create a safe environment for your children to grow and thrive. If you suspect any inappropriate behavior, report it to the appropriate authorities immediately.
If you have been infuriated by the information in this article and feel compelled to do more, although not exhaustive here are some suggestions:
Be aware - Know your enemy, as the article explains child exploitation is a well coordinate enterprise, continue to gain knowledge, research the issue yourself.
Share your knowledge - Talk to as many parents as possible, send emails to your contacts, share on social media.
Create community - Join with other like minded parents who are concerned about the attack on children from a variety of angles. Network and form groups to strategise, share information, offer support.
As well as the above, if you are Christian:
Discuss the topic with your church community and leadership. Remind them of what we’re up against. (Ephesians 6:12)
Start and join prayer groups to combat the ongoing attacks on our children.
Pray with your children, renew and strengthen their minds with biblical truth.
Be aware of what your child is being taught in state schools and action accordingly.
Encourage Christian appropriate social media use and content, as well as movies and music.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:3-5
Thank you for reading.
God Bless