Australians who are concerned about gender ideology and childhood gender affirmation get a National Voice via Guardians Australia.
Co-founder of Guardians South Australia, Rose Irranca, provides an update about the growing network of concerned parents and individuals.
Those who have been following my Substack since last year may remember I introduced GSA as part of an article I put together in November.
But just as a recap:
Guardians South Australia is an action group that aims to empower our sons, daughters and fellow Guardians with information and form local community groups for support and collaboration.
GSA was established in 2021 as parents felt their rights were at risk as the government and school policies tried to supersede our authority.
Parental rights is an important issue at the moment due to the social contagion of gender ideology.
Gender ideology is being taught in schools and by various external service providers that aim to educate children about anti bullying, respectful relationships and online safety.
Recently it has been noticed that many parents are unaware of what is in the curriculum. Children are being exposed to content that is not suitable for their stage of development.
Since it’s inception, interest from parents and individuals in other States regarding this topic has grown as well, which prompted the creation of Guardians Australia. You can hear directly from co-founder Rose Irranca further down as she catches up with Bonita from Healthy Whole Humans.
Guardians Australia
As there were a number of people requesting to join from interstate, we have recently formed Guardians Australia. This group aims to unite ALL groups and individuals in Australia who are concerned about gender ideology and gender affirmation.
You can join the group here
We are working closely with other groups across Australia and have representatives from SA, NSW and Tas. We are currently hoping to hear from key groups in other states and territories. This will allow us to share information, tools and resources and advocate for our children Australia wide.
Parent Forum
In collaboration with 4 The Kids and supported by Flag on the Hill, we are hosting a forum on May 4.
Parental Rights – A Commonsense Approach to Safeguarding our Children.
Guest speakers include
Dr Andrew Amos – Psychiatrist -
Rachael Wong – Women’s Forum Australia -
Kirralie Smith – Binary -
Stephanie Bastiaan – Journalist – Women’s Forum Australia
We aim to provide you with sound information about gender ideology and how we can best support and represent our children. Tickets available soon – register your interest here
School curriculum - what's being taught in schools?
Rose catches up with Bonita from Healthy Whole Humans here:
More from Rose here:
Rose catches up with Lana from Let’s Talk in this FB live
Rose and Alan Novak (Action for Humanity and Healing) catch up with Daddy Rock Lofty 88.9 - Talking to Rose and Alan about gender affirmation in schools
Rose and Angela Rojas Tripodi catch up with Daddy Rock Lofty 88.9 - Tonight we’re talking to Angela and Rose about inappropriate books in our library
SOS – Share Our Stories
Guardians have shared their stories about their experiences and concerns. You can view them here
The stories include
Suspensions due to not respecting ones pronouns or identity
Men changing in womens bathrooms at school
The increasing amount of rainbow, transsexual and toxic masculinity material being posted around schools
Rainbow room, rainbow staircase, pride month, wear it purple day, idahobit day, display books in the library, rainbow flag
Lack of response from the school or DfE
Teacher with an open Instagram account dressing in drag in sexual poses
Indirect sexual education of children without parental consent
13 year old watched an M rated movie without parental consent
Parent informed teachers can use whatever resources they want to teach the curriculum
Parent informed the school that by law teachers must get parental consent for movies that are PG or M rated and handed over the teacher resources guidelines from the DfE
Child shamed with words or unhappy faces next to his name on the board when he questioned gender ideology – eg 2 genders
Grooming children
ESO showed footage of LGBTQIA+ parade from her personal phone
Principal requested volunteers who did not need to be registered
Gender equality assessment tool and legislation
3 and 4 year olds literature – An ABC of Equality
School “Procedure”
Our aim is to inform guardians about the concerns for school based programs and gender affirmation.
The following “procedure” is for all schools in SA.
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Parents who do not currently support their childs gender affirmation
The site leader must decide what is in the best interests of the child or young person
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A child or young persons concerns about informing their parent
Decide whether there are serious and legitimate reasons (such as safety concerns) not to inform a child or young persons parents
Creating a gender affirmation plan
To document the agreed support arrangements
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Names and pronouns
A child or young persons preferred name and pronouns must be used by staff, children and young people regardless of enrolment information
The childs or young persons preferred name and pronouns are to be used in the education setting if a site leader decides it is in their best interests, even if no agreement can be reached with the parents
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When parental support is not available
… the site leader must decide what is in the best interests of the child or young person.
Toilets and changeroom facilities
All children should have access to toilet and changeroom facilities that respect their privacy, safety and inclusion. This includes access to sanitary items as required.
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Camp and overnight stays
The primary consideration in deciding the sleeping arrangements is the safety and wellbeing of the child or young person.
Ideally, a gender diverse child or young person should use sleeping quarters that match their gender identity.
Physical education and sport
Toilet and changeroom facilities and uniforms and dress codes in this procedure both apply to sporting activities.
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Participation in school competitive sport
Both the Commonwealth legislation, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), and the state legislation, the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity by an educational authority.
Compliance with law overrides any complaint the school might receive about including a gender diverse child or young person in any competitive sport
GSA FB Group
As an SA resident, you can join our FB group here
GSA has almost 12000 members and we continue to grow daily.
In this group there are further stories shared such as
Children are not using bathrooms until they get home because they do not want to use the unisex toilets.
A biological male identifying as a girl is enrolled in an all girls college.
School student leaders informed not to refer to their peers as girls or daughters.
Children watching films informing them they can be either a girl or a boy
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If you want to see change in our society, not one single person alone will do it for you. You need to be active, get involved with other like minded individuals. Once the many create a critical mass, only then will real change occur. Our children depend on it.
May God bless the work of Guardians and all their supporters.