
South Australia in Focus - Bumper presentation - Sunday 8 December

South Australia, Adelaide, Social Media, Facial Recognition, Innovation State, Smart Cities Technologies, CBDC’s, choice, free will, and your future!

Links discussed during presentation.


Yuval Clip -

Social media Ban passes - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-28/social-media-age-ban-passes-parliament/104647138

Justice of the High Court - https://www.premier.sa.gov.au/media-releases/news-items/banning-social-media-for-children

Peter Malinauskas in May push for U16’s Ban - https://x.com/ausvstheagenda/status/1789837762793017847

How will it work? Will it actually Work? - https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/how-would-a-social-media-ban-actually-work-20240910-p5k99z.html

Australia forges ahead with digital identity, releases second Digital Services Standard - https://www.biometricupdate.com/202411/australia-forges-ahead-with-digital-identity-releases-second-digital-services-standard

Australia forges ahead with digital identity Epoch Times - https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/australias-digital-id-comes-into-force-5768972

SA no stranger to Facial recognition technology already uses Facial Recognition for gaming venues - https://www.cbs.sa.gov.au/sections/LGL/facial-recognition-technology

SA investing in Artificial Intelligence technologies - https://statedevelopment.sa.gov.au/news/expanding-south-australias-artificial-intelligence-capability

SA is after all an innovation State - https://lotfourteen.com.au/news/south-australia-states-its-claim-as-the-countrys-innovation-state/

Future industries - https://business.sa.gov.au/information/growth/future-industries

Real cost of net Zero SA -

Adelaide: A Global Smart City City of Adelaide is delighted to participate with the State Govern. of South Australia, University of South Australia and Flinders University to showcase the City’s credentials as a creative, connected and intelligent - city. https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/media-centre/adelaide-a-global-smart-city/

Adelaide makes world's top 7 smart cities. Adelaide has been recognised overnight by global think tank The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) as one of the top 7 intelligent communities in the world’s top smart cities. - https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/media-centre/adelaide-makes-worlds-top-7-smart-cities/

PLAY Adelaide. Australia’s most connected city. The City of Adelaide is delighted and proud to be recognised as one of the top 7 Intelligent Communities in the world. - https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/about-council/leading-the-way-in-connectivity/

Adelaide as a ‘Smart City’ puts people and businesses at the centre of everything we do. Our focus is on creating an ecosystem of open and citizen-driven innovation, building and sharing common resources and information................ -

The University of Adelaide will work with local and state government, entrepreneurs and industry to help the transformation of Adelaide into a ‘smart city’, under the new Australian Smart Cities Consortium being launched at the University today. - https://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news93762.html

We support organisations, to create smart communities. The Australian Smart Communities Association (ASCA) is Australia’s only not-for profit peak body dedicated to advocating on behalf of governments for smart communities in Australia. - https://www.australiansmartcommunities.org.au/about-us

Adelaide gets the tick of approval from the World Economic Forum no less. "These 5 global cities are leading the charge to a renewable future.” - https://www.weforum.org/stories/2021/04/renewable-energy-urban-city-emissions/

Smart cities bring new data concerns with them. Smart cities strive to make cities run more smoothly by using residents' data. But can they keep that data safe at the same time? -

So, it’s not too far of a stretch to contemplate linking 15-minute Cities to these concerns under the guise of a Climate Emergency Declaration as introduced by the South Australian Government

Climate emergency declaration passes in Parliament - https://www.premier.sa.gov.au/media-releases/news-archive/climate-emergency-declaration-passes-in-parliament

Government - https://southausinfocus.locals.com/post/3392979/south-australia-s-declaration-of-a-climate-emergency-dce

What technologies will they use during another health emergency? SA was at the forefront during COVID to roll out such technology - https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2021/sa-trials-facial-recognition-for-home-quarantine.html

And, when you throw all these technologies together coupled with declared emergencies, it’s then not hard to imagine another short leap to control the population under the guise of a declared Health Emergency as discussed in this brilliant article. - https://brownstone.org/articles/amendments-who-ihr-annotated-guide/

But getting back to climate and health emergencies, councils scope has been broadened to include the global sales pitch of a Climate Emergency, such as my own council which is part of Resilient Hills & Coasts, Combining Health Emergency with a Climate Emergency.. What could possibly go wrong. - file:///C:/Users/erich/Documents/Ordinary-Council-Meeting-Agenda-20-September-2022.pdf

Goal 3 page 50

Climigration due to insurance costs and extreme weather (Weather modification) - https://www.weforum.org/stories/2019/09/climigration-climate-change/

Managed retreat – Kate Mason

Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before flooding - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-10/cloud-seeding-carried-out-over-tasmanian-catchment-before-floods/7499226

Cloud-seeding program over Snowy Hydro suspended - https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/nsw/cloud-seeding-program-over-snowy-hydro-suspended-20240613-p5jlgb.html

Weather Modification Technologies - https://search.brave.com/search?q=weather+modification+technologies&source=llmSuggest&summary=1&conversation=4057ce39bc35342b175fbe

Couple this with a push from ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. “Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.” - https://iclei.org/about_iclei_2/

SA ICLEI - https://iclei.org/iclei-members/

ICLEI – Mt Barker -

And ultimately ICLEI is another mouthpiece for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) - https://icleiusa.org/how-does-iclei-support-the-uns-sustainable-development-goals/

ICLEI and GOOGLE working together. “RELEASE Google and ICLEI cooperating on multi-million USD pilot fund for data-driven local climate action.”

"In collaboration with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.. " - https://iclei.org/press_release/release-google-and-iclei-cooperating-on-multi-million-usd-pilot-fund-for-data-driven-local-climate-action/

Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) -


Good time to play We own the science -

How Google interferes - https://www.benton.org/headlines/how-google-interferes-its-search-algorithms-and-changes-your-results

Facbook censorship - https://nypost.com/2022/02/07/facebook-other-tech-giants-censor-facts-about-climate-change/

Media Bias - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/media-bias-censors-debate-climate-093000438.html

But not just Climate, during COVID too Twitter Files -

Racket News
Twitter Files Extra: The Covid Censorship Requests of Australia's Department of Home Affairs
Thanks to the Twitter Files, we’ve known for a while that the company’s official censorship partnerships extended far beyond the United States. In Australia, for instance, the company had extremely close contact with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), whose responsibilities include oversight of national security, law enforcement, border control and the country’s lead intelligence agency, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO…
Read more

Are the nearly 2000 Scientists and Academics signing up to CLINTEL being censored - https://clintel.org/there-is-no-climate-emergency-a-message-to-the-people

Smart technology concerns under a declared Climate emergency continued through censorship and fearmongering

Switching off roof top solar - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-27/authorities-power-to-switch-off-south-australia-solar-panels/12602684

So, will they control your Electricity under a Declared Climate Emergency? https://www.aer.gov.au/publications/reports/submissions/aemc-rule-change-accelerating-smart-meter-deployment

Handing over control Watt-logic - https://watt-logic.com/2020/09/30/smart-meters-2/

Smart Water meters technology is also available - https://www.sawater.com.au/my-business/smart-metering/smart-meters

Push to EV’s and Banning petrol cars - https://acapmag.com.au/2022/11/bhp-wants-australia-to-ban-new-petrol-cars-by-2035/

CBDC’s - https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/australias-rba-prioritise-wholesale-cbdc-work-over-retail-2024-09-17/

Most bank accounts frozen under the Emergencies Act are being released, committee hears - https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergency-bank-measures-finance-committee-1.6360769

Keep cash alive - https://7news.com.au/business/money/aussies-rally-against-cashless-society-following-optus-outage-c-12548371

2 sides of the same coin - Quad Party - Labor/Greens Liberal/Nationals - Time for change

Mention FOTH AusExitsWHO Aligned Council of Australia

For deep dive issues affecting humanity check out podcasts from Whitney Webb and James Corbett - https://linktr.ee/whitneywebb - https://corbettreport.com/best-of-corbett/

Yuval quote - https://www.ynharari.com/

Les Mis - This is a global fight and why I choose this version.

Do you hear the people sing -



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