Contribution from: Bronte Koop, Adelaide
The governments of the world still claim they are safe and effective, whilst the adverse events tally piles up more than for any other vaccine over the last 30 years! ‘Part 3: Safe and effective was marketing not medicine’, has just been released, covering more than sufficient to demonstrate that we were hoodwinked, conned and deceived, with propaganda masquerading as truth. And it was government officials and politicians doing it, cheered on by mainstream media scared to jeopardize their generous tax breaks by being too skeptical.
We show you experts who explain how the original clinical trials were a sham and misled the entire world, when the pharma companies did not actually test what they claimed. Hear from a world expert with more than 70 peer reviewed articles on Covid, who calls these products ‘a complete failure’. Watch Canadian GP Dr Charles Hoffe show the embarrassing data proving this was actually an ‘anti-vaccine’, which made you MORE likely to catch Covid.
You’ll see the evidence that US drug regulators actually knew about the vast array of likely adverse events, in late 2020, yet approved the Covid shots regardless. See the profoundly troubling details Pfizer wanted kept secret, which a court forced into public view. Like the apparent war on fertility, amongst other things. Like the fact that the company knew their product was linked to more than 1200 deaths in the first 90 days!
Catch up with the latest bombshell about Kevin McKernan, a world class genetics expert who discovered by accident the huge levels of DNA contamination in dozens of vials of Pfizer and Moderna, which may well have poisoned the genetics of Australians in vast numbers. And worse, the ingredient with cancer risks which Pfizer kept secret from all drug regulators.
There’s a ton of disturbing evidence, all of which should make you highly skeptical about anything you hear on viruses, vaccines and public health in future. Follow ‘Show me the evidence’, as we further reveal the nightmare of gene therapy and the threat to human health.
Bronte Koop
More content from Show Me The Evidence
Part 1 The Octopus That Ate The World
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