0:00 - Intro, Mark overview from the week:
Bias in ‘After COVID’ - 1:06
Event 202 - 7:50
What’s the fuss about Condensation trails? - 9:08
More Sodom and Gomorrah moments - 13:18
Bruce’s feedback - 15:05
22:20 - Bruce this weeks topics
23:40 - Inflation update
24:55 - Senator Payman leaves Labor
28:40 - Global warming still over
35:14 - Australia’s life expectancy falls
38:23 - Do childhood vaccines cause chronic disease?
1:03:32 - Portland wind turbine fire
1:08:32 - Is diversity in the fire service a good thing?
1:25:55: - Commentary on the Emasculation of men.
1:30:44 - Close
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