I smell BS... Quote: "The person delivering the content to children at RHS were not known to the department, and the material being delivered by the presenter was not reviewed prior to being delivered to the students, which is another failure in policies and procedures."

I cannot deliver an NDIS service to a school without completing a training course on OHS and doing an induction training course or being placed under supervision when on premises but this person got a free pass? BALONEY! This smacks of a stunt to test how far they could push their agenda under the radar before getting caught whilst building a story that gives everyone "credible deniability". Utter garbage!

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So, if "the context of the bestiality discussion was to draw a link between the gay community and same sex marriage historically being likened to incest and bestiality", does that mean we should expect the trainers to lobby for incest and bestiality to be made lawful &/or desirable in the foreseeable future also. Slippery slope anyone?

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