The Australia Day issue is gaining traction!! Main Stream Media taking notice!
An update courtesy of the team at Onkaparinga Valley My Place SA
The below information is being share on behalf of Onkaparinga Valley My Place. To find out more about MyPlace Australia and to find your local group go HERE
The Australia Day issue is gaining traction!!
Let’s help this post go viral 👇
In the seven hours since the Advertiser posted this story, featuring John and Edna Tate and former councillors Leone Taylor and Ian Bailey, on their FaceBook page, it has been liked/loved over 850 times with 356 comments and counting….
Please help this post go viral to send all Councils a loud clear message:
the majority of Australians support Australia Day celebrations on the 26th January.
Please like and share through your networks.
The article will appear in hardcopy in tomorrow's Advertiser.
On Monday night, after overwhelming public support in Unley Council, the Councillors voted to reinstate Australia Day celebrations and citizenship ceremonies and awards on 26th January. This story was picked up by the Advertiser and covered extensively by Sky News on 24th September.
The reason why this decision is significant is that in September 2023, Unley Council councillors, on their own initiative, decided to move Australia Day celebrations away from the 26th.
Once the community found out, and that took a while because the decision was not publicised, there was community outcry. This forced the Councillors to reconsider their decision and pivot to community consultation, where they discovered what the majority of the community wanted - to restore Australia Day celebrations to the 26th January. This is a classic example of government consulting the public "after the fact", in response to community backlash.
Of the 759 local respondents 62% thought citizenship and awards ceremonies should be held on January 26.
72% believed that Council should hold an Australia Day community event in 2025,
with 80% of those people wanting Australia Day to be celebrated on January 26th.
The people have spoken, again, and begrudgingly some of those Councillors personally opposed to celebrating Australia Day, did the right thing and voted to represent their rate payers and residents so that the motion was carried.
This is the take home message: in a democracy, local Councillors are supposed to serve the people, the residents and ratepayers who voted them in.
They are not supposed to vote on Council matters according to their own personal views, ideologies and politics.
In a democracy, decisions are made based on the majority of the people, not the minority.
It is up to the residents and ratepayers to hold their Councillors, and therefore their Council, accountable and remind them whenever you have the chance that their job is to represent us.
This scenario reminds us of the outcome of the Voice referendum, where the politicians, bureaucrats and ruling elite were so sure that the community shared their views, they were utterly surprised when the results confirmed they were wrong.
It is time for the “silent majority” to wake up, take back our power and have the courage and conviction to speak up.
It is our job to hold our government representatives accountable.
We are the ones who have to keep an eye on them, to call out the corruption and incompetence and tell them loud and clear when we do not consent.
This kind of "post-humous" community consultation, is not acceptable.
Ask us first, then make your decisions based on the will of the people.
Sky News Coverage
Adelaide Hills Council are currently facing the same problem of their own making as Unley Council. Following ongoing pressure from our Council Action Group, led by self-professed geriatrics, legendary lunatics, John and Edna Tate, from Onkaparinga Valley My Place. Council is slowly realising it was wrong of them to make the decision to cancel Australia Day without consulting the rate payers. The CEO will hand down his report on how to engage the community on this “divisive” subject by the end of October.
In the meantime, another petition is being circulated in the Adelaide Hills Council by former Councillors. These are available for signing at the Woodside newsagency, Providore café in Woodside, Stirling and Bridgewater Op Shops, Crafers Café and Crafers Hairdresser.
Follow Up Appearances in the Media
John and Edna have been interviewed by Daddy Rock radio, which will air on Friday night between 8 - 9pm.
This week on Daddy Rock, we’re interviewing John and Edna Tate to give us an alternative view on COVID, climate change and other issues.
You can tune in on 88.9 in the Mt Barker area, listen in on our website, download the Community Radio Plus app and look for lofty 88.9 and listen anywhere you like.
Lastly you can watch the live stream on Daddy Rock Facebook page.
Coverage on Mark Neugebauer's Rumble Channel, Mayo Mawson Information and News.
Also available on Mark's substack -
There is also interest from Sky News, Ben Fordham radio and Hoody and Larter.
Watch this space!
If your Council cancelled Australia Day and you would like support to pushback, please contact Onkaparinga Valley My Place at
Thank you for your support.
Onkaparinga Valley My Place