Protecting the rights of Religious Schools and Organisations in SA.
Petition to the President and members of the Legislative Council in the current South Australian Parliament assembled.
Petition initiated by Sarah Game MLC
I have made no secret of the fact that I am a Christian, and as such I am raising awareness of the Equal Opportunity Act amendment Bill South Australia, again being proposed by Greens Party Member Robert Simms attached further down in the post.
I am no stranger to raising awareness around my concerns for children and the undermining of Christian and traditional family values as covered in this article about Guardians Australia and the outrage at Renmark High School in this article, as well as many other topics in other articles.
The below are my own views and I do not speak for all Christians. I also understand that other faiths may have concerns about the amendments to the Bill but I do not speak on behalf of them either, but instead ask them to discern how the Bill may affect the individual beliefs and values they hold.
The Christian faith has historical and cultural roots in Australia, and has been an integral part of the country’s social fabric for generations. The ability for Christians to operate according to their religious beliefs and values is essential to preserving their identity and heritage.
Many Christian schools organisations, and individuals draw on scripture in regards to same-sex relationships and gender identity as being incompatible with Christian teachings. Many Christians beliefs and practices require them to uphold traditional gender roles and sexual norms.
Allowing LGBT and Trans individuals to work or receive services from them could potentially harm or confuse children and students who are being taught traditional Christian values. This has the potential to undermine the school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students.
Christian schools, organisations and individuals should be allowed to follow their conscience and religious beliefs, and be able to make decisions that align with their faith without being coerced or forced to compromise, this includes the ability to refuse employment or services to individuals who do not align with their religious beliefs.
Further more, funding for Christian Schools and organisations should not be affected for their decision not to compromise their beliefs to uphold traditional gender roles and sexual norms.
If funding cuts for Faith Based Schools in particular are further proposed as a result, then I suggest funding for the education of children should go straight to parents for them to determine which educational institutions they wish to align with.
In summary Christian schools, organisations and individuals have a right to religious freedom and autonomy, allowing them to make decisions based on their Christian beliefs and values, this includes the ability to select employees and provide services in accordance with the Christian Faith, without being forced to compromise their beliefs.
Please consider printing, signing and distributing the petition found below these instructions.
For those photocopying the petition:
All petitions have to be hard copy paper and not an electronic petition. SA parliament is the only state in Australia who requires it this way.
each page must not be altered (that is, include all the details of the petition); (Each page contains 15 signatures if you have 20 signatures the remaining five need to be on a new page with all the details of the petition on the top of it).
when completing the petition, person's name is to be written in full, eg (Johanthon Smith) legible, and only a residential address will be accepted (not a PO Box number);
all original copies of the completed petitions (no photo copies and not to be emailed to the office) must be delivered to Sarah Games office.
those who sign it must be at least 18 years and over.
You must be a permanent resident or citizen
All original signed copies of the petition will be presented to SA Parliament by the Hon Sarah Game MLC. People who are signing this petition will not have their details kept by One Nation this is wholly for the purpose of having a polititcian present the petitions to the parliament to represent the voice of concerned South Australians.
The cut-off date for the Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2024 petition will be Monday, 30th September 2024. If you can collect the signatures you have and either post or take them to Office of Hon Sarah Game, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000 .
Below is the speech given by Greens Member Robert Simms for the Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill.