Medical fascism continues under SA Health: COMPLAINT RE: REFUSAL OF SURGERY
Have we learnt nothing over the past 4 years? e-mail to Central Adelaide Local Health Network raising concerns about patient treatment.
Guest contributor: Matilda Bawden
From: Matilda Bawden <>
To: HealthCALHN
Date: Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 11:22 AM
Dear Sir/Madam
I hereby wish to complain vigorously that I was denied a surgical procedure last Thursday 29th February, 2024, on the grounds that I would not insert a swab up my nose or in my mouth.
To that end, I am also bcc'ing various members of the State and Federal Parliament, journalists, legal practitioners and others with a potential interest in my story & its implications for other patients in this state; which serves as a red flag for all others likely to use SA Health services in future (albeit I have no doubt I am not alone in this experience, nor do I believe this is an isolated case). Accordingly, I give consent for anyone receiving this email to share it, republish it and utilise it as they see fit, as I will stand by my claims herein.
On the morning of 29/2/24, after fasting, I was offered to have a stent put in to make it easier to pass a kidney stone which had lodged in my bladder and was causing obstruction and a risk of kidney damage. It was suggested they would try to break up the stone but that would depend on the pressing number of other emergency patients later in the day. Needless to say, it was also causing considerable pain and discomfort and, intermittently, resulting in blood in the urine. {I have since been advised of the risks of complications even with a stent, but that's a separate issue and a risk I was prepared to take after the stone would not pass for more than a month.}
I was offered the procedure as the stent was a quicker and simpler procedure which would have enabled me to travel the next day to NSW without too many impediments as I was planning on a special trip with my son over the weekend.
Just moments before I was to be wheeled into theatre, I overheard the conversation in the corridor between the Anaesthetist and/or Surgeon and another female staffer who forbade them to go ahead after I refused the "RAT TEST", which demanded a swab. The swab was NOT NEGOTIABLE! I heard several female voices even protesting/questioning the need for such a draconian approach for a RAT test, especially since we are in no state of emergency or purported "pandemic". IN FACT, THE RAT TEST WAS NOT EVEN MANDATORY AT THE TIME OF ENTRY INTO THE HOSPITAL FACILITY.
No doubt all of the medical practitioners who were present during this conversation recognised the impropriety of what was being ordered, but they clearly did not feel safe enough to vigorously advocate on my behalf.
NEVERTHELESS, I voluntarily offered up saliva, blood and urine, but these were repeatedly refused as the hospital was determined to ensure I was taught a lesson in the AUTHORITY OF THE STATE! I even still had the cannula in my arm, but that would not satiate the would-be tyrant on the ward who prohibited the surgery to go ahead.
Moreover, I was not sick with anything - no congestion, no sinus problems, no cough, no aching joints, no fever, not even a hint of sore throat or croakiness, no respiratory problems, not even a sniffle - NOTHING to even remotely suggest a flu or irritation, much less lethally deadly COVID!
The real intellectual dishonesty to contend with is the fact that I was in the Emergency Department from 4am on Wednesday 28/2/24. From the time of arrival, I was not forced to wear a face mask, I was in close contact with possibly 20+ staff, many of whom also handled my blood and urine and came into skin contact. NOT ONE OF THE STAFF IN MORE THAN 24+ hrs feared any contact with me because I may have allegedly been sick &, based on quiet conversations with some of the staff, it was clear that more than a few did not even believe the purported need for COVID testing nonsense themselves! When I challenged the insulting demand I swab orally or nasally, your unidentified, nameless, faceless staffer doubled down on the stupidity with no opportunity of compromise.
In the meantime, I have been informed by at least half-dozen other people known to me who refused testing by swab in the mouth or nose (or were not required to be tested), that they could proceed with surgery and/or were not refused treatment on the grounds of their refusal.
I am advised by a Clinical Nurse Consultant that SA Health could be held liable if I should suffer kidney damage in due course, after they had endured a similar complication. That individual now cannot get any health or life insurance to cover kidney damage from professional negligence caused by a kidney stone that had not been removed several years ago.
When persuading me to take the test, one medical practitioner commented that I was being "given a choice" (namely, to take the test and have the procedure, or to decline and be refused the procedure).
Fortunately, we are now seeing a slow shift back towards patient rights (as in the recent Queensland judgement rendering forced mandates illegal, and there have been several other similar judgments in recent weeks).
If forced vaccinations are being declared illegal, I am certain forced testing (by threat) too could be deemed illegal. Certainly by pre-COVID lockdown standards, it would be outrageously UNETHICAL AND, AT BEST, A DERELICTION OF DUTY (IF NOT AN ACT OF POTENTIAL NEGLIGENCE) to have refused me a treatment procedure when there is no sound reasoning or rationale for such refusal - and none was provided to me at the time of refusal, other than the fact I had exercised my right to refuse an intrusive procedure!
HOWEVER, had I refused to take a particular medication, I doubt the surgical procedure would have been refused and my choice would have been respected, but the medications had no relationship to oppressive COVID mandates.
I am appalled that any medical and health service practitioner - whether doctor or nurse or administrator within the RAH - could even behave in such unethical fashion as to deny any patient the right to choice and control over their treatment and option of bodily integrity and informed consent - especially now that there is not even a "state of emergency".
Human rights abuses of this type is the exact reason why Parliament, once upon a time, had appointed a health services complaints commissioner, but that is another story and another reason for Parliament to revisit SA Health practices and who, ultimately, scrutinises those human rights abuses.
Your faithfully
Matilda Bawden
Matilda Bawden (B.A.;B.Soc. Admin.)
Founding Member of Community Linkages, Inclusion & Innovation Centre (CLIIC)
Mob: 0412 836 685